Financial Resources for Small Retail Businesses, State by State

  • Insights

Our Research + Analysis team has been in overdrive trying to keep up with the whirlwind COVID-19 updates: with data trickling in, implications of the stimulus package, and the conversations rapidly evolving, one thing we realized was missing was a state-by-state gathered list of financial resources for small businesses that can be used by retailers. 

Based on very informal check-ins, we estimate that most small retailers have 8 weeks or fewer before they face the prospect of making business-altering decisions, such as selling off inventory for immediate cash – and worse. 

To help retailers endure, we are taking several steps as a company, starting with this spreadsheet: Financial Resources for Small Businesses.

We looked everywhere for a comprehensive list of programs to assist retailers and couldn’t find one. So, we’ve compiled the following state-by-state list of financial resources — loans, tax relief, and grants — in hopes that we can help the small retailers across that country that make everyone’s communities amazing and special places.

Please share widely! 

PS – We will be updating this document daily and will share our understanding of the Federal stimulus package impacts quickly after House changes and passage (fingers crossed). For more information, contact Heather Arnold, Principal, Research + Analysis.


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