Visit Fairfax, a destination marketing organization, aims to boost economic and social growth throughout Fairfax County and Northern Virginia. For over 20 years, they’ve partnered with Streetsense as their digital agency, adapting their channels to keep up with modern technology while consistently pursuing proven returns on marketing investment (ROMI).
Streetsense has employed a wide range of channels and tactics over the years. By focusing on short term consumer-engagement KPI that we know reliably leads to actual visitation, we have been able to shepherd Visit Fairfax’s digital budget toward ever increasing returns. Channels and services range from strategic and brand counsel to SEO to social media advertising to mobile passports.
incremental visitor parties
incremental paid lodging nights
incremental visitor spending
incremental ROMI
To ensure that reported results are both reliable and believed, Streetsense has partnered with or employed best-practice providers including Texas A&M University’s Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, Nielsen, Epsilon and Zartico, among others. Our emphasis is on “incremental” impact, meaning that the people we engage have not already decided to visit at the time of that connection.
Imagining and marketing a transformative development at the world's most visible intersection
Delivering an innovative interactive experience for an iconic destination