A New Form of Urban Typology

  • Insights
By Larisa Ortiz,
Managing Director of Public Non-Profit Solutions

Image credit: CBRE report Shaping Tomorrow’s Cities.

For the past year, the Streetsense place consulting team has been instrumental in supporting CBRE’s research to define the Shape of American Cities, leveraging our deep understanding of urban transformation and applying these insights to an assessment of a district we know quite well: New York City’s Financial District. This once-monolithic office district is now home to a rapidly growing residential population decades in the making. Yet beyond the specifics of FiDi, and perhaps most powerfully, the CBRE report uses data to refine our understanding and develop a new categorization of urban typology that has real potential to change the way we approach urban policymaking.  


Four Types of Urban Environments 

We already know that there is no one-size-fits-all set of policies for America’s cities. The report takes this one step further by categorizing cities into four types:  


– Super Cities like Los Angeles and New York 
– Mixed Majors such as Boston and Chicago 
– Sprawling Darlings including Atlanta and Dallas 
– Developing Destinations like Austin and Miami 


Each category faces unique challenges and opportunities. For instance, Super Cities are globally recognized and densely populated, demanding robust public health infrastructure and affordable housing initiatives. Mixed Majors, with their strong economic bases and transit networks, need to balance growth with quality of life through sustainable development and innovation hubs. Sprawling Darlings, characterized by rapid growth and suburban expansion, require investments in infrastructure and public transport to manage traffic congestion and enhance livability. And finally, Developing Destinations, experiencing red-hot growth, must focus on building basic infrastructure, comprehensive urban planning, and promoting economic opportunities to sustain their development.  


What That Means for Urban Policy 
As cities of all shapes and sizes grapple with post-COVID recovery efforts, this research highlights that successful urban policy must be nuanced and adaptable to address the specific contexts and dynamics of each urban environment. Cities must develop strategies that are informed by their unique market conditions, demographic trends, and built environment constraints. This approach ensures that urban policies are effective in fostering sustainable growth, enhancing quality of life, and driving economic development tailored to the unique needs of their communities.  


The Streetsense place consulting team leverages strategic and creative advisory services to solve complex real estate issues that enhance the value of places—whether they are new mixed-use developments, assets facing challenges, vibrant districts, or captivating destinations. 


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