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Streetsense Marketing Client Logitech in Ad Age

  • News
by The Streetsense Collective

Logitech — a long-term client of the Streetsense marketing team, which currently serves as the brand’s social media agency of record — recently made its big debut on the trending social media app BeReal, landing the brand a feature in Ad Age. This activation, part of the #HappyLogidays campaign, showcases products in the lighthearted, behind-the-scenes style of the app and supports the brand’s lead generation goals.


“BeReal is a force, and we saw it as an opportunity to extend our reach to a younger audience in a way that echoed our values of accessibility and authenticity,” said Erika Priestley, VP of global marketing at Logitech.


Congratulations to our partner for this creative debut!

Continue to Ad Age to read more about Logitech’s BeReal debut and learn about BeReal here.


The Streetsense Marketing Team activates brands & places, communicates with audiences through them, and drives demand for them. We engage, convert, and delight through integrated marketing strategies & ongoing implementation, including: content & social media marketing, performance marketing, interactive design & development, and events & activations. See more of our work here, sign-up for our “branding and marketing” newsletter, or contact us to discuss your marketing project.


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