View of custom floor mosaic of The Apollo in the front of concierge.

New DC Apartment Buildings Feel Like Posh Hotels (Washington City Paper)

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One side effect of what seems to be a permanent building boom in D.C. is the steady drip, drip, drip of real-estate marketing into the collective consciousness. Phrases like “unparalleled lifestyle options” and “high-end finishes” once seemed strange. But now we’ve all seen so many developer ads that we’ve grown used to grandiose language and stock photos of multiracial models laughing over glasses of wine.

For a while now, apartment builders have looked to “the hospitality sector” (read: hotels and resorts) for ways to make residents feel pampered. The developers at Insight Property Group had a related, but new, idea. Washington has become nationally known for its innovative restaurants, and design is a big part of the dining experience. What if they could translate that to an apartment building? So they hired Edit Lab at Streetsense, the studio behind acclaimed local restaurants like All-Purpose and The Dabney.

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