Office to Residential Conversion Symposium

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Bringing Brands to Life From the Ground Up

  • Insights

Feet are everywhere on Instagram, from Adidas-clad feet on mosaics, to polished toes on sandy beaches, to wingtips on city street corners. ‘Selfeets’ have been a part of the platform since day one when Instagram CEO and co-founder Kevin Systrom uploaded the app’s first-ever post, a portrait of his girlfriend’s flip-flopped foot next to a golden retriever.

What’s underneath the selfeet trend? Beautiful floors and stylish soles, for sure. But if you’re in the business of branding and placemaking today, you know ‘authenticity’ is an overused word that tells the story of a real generational shift — consumers today are looking to discover and share moments that feel rooted and real. When people feel compelled to share online, their feet appear as evidence of lived experiences. And when places are designed to resonate, they grow organically into brands people love.

At Streetsense, we love it when people share our work through a well-placed pair of shoes. Standing on the black and white tiling at The Apollo on DC’s H Street, or lounging criss-crossed on the rooftop of The Porter Hotel in downtown Portland, Oregon —  there’s no substitute for being there, and being in the moment.

Click to check out one of our favorite Instagram accounts below:

Source: @ihavethisthingwithfloors 


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