Office to Residential Conversion Symposium

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Greasing The Wheels on Office to Residential Conversions

A symposium by Streetsense, DCBIA, and the DC BID Council

This is an insightful exploration of the strategies and policies necessary to enhance the value proposition of downtown urban environments as places to live, work, and visit. Together with our panelists, we discussed strategies for advancing office-to-residential conversions and navigating financing challenges and regulatory policies.

This recording of the symposium includes discussion with:

  • Nina Albert, D.C. Deputy Mayor
  • Larisa Ortiz, Streetsense Managing Director of Public Non-profit Solutions and former New York City Planning Commissioner
  • Richard Lake, Founding Partner, Roadside
  • Gary Cohen, President, Willco
  • Leona Agouridis, President and CEO, Golden Triangle BID
  • Gerren Price, President and CEO, Downtown DC BID

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