Office to Residential Conversion Symposium

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A group of attendees watch a woman present during a symposium.

GET THE VIDEO: Greasing the Wheels on Office to Residential Conversions

  • Events
By The Streetsense Collective

Business districts have evolved as single-purpose places that serve offices and office workers—but they must now pivot to serve a broader constituency, including residents and visitors. How do we set the stage for the wholesale transformation of downtown; one that will require unprecedented coordination between private property owners and our public and non-profit sector partners?


That’s the challenge we addressed in our recent symposium: Greasing the Wheels on Office to Residential Conversions. Co-sponsored alongside DCBIA and the DC BID Council, the event included opening remarks from D.C. Deputy Mayor Nina Albert and a panel discussion moderated by Streetsense Managing Director of Public Non-profit Solutions, Larisa Ortiz.


Learn more and request a link to watch the video: Greasing the Wheels on Office to Residential Conversions


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