Streetsense Managing Director, Public Non-Profit Larisa Ortiz will be discussing e-mobility solutions for urban places at the International Downtown Association’s 68th Annual Conference & Marketplace in Vancouver on September 21st-23rd.
Everyone is familiar with the mantra “location, location, location.” Part of the unspoken but understood meaning of that phrase is that the value of a location is inextricably linked with how accessible it is. Ultimately, value is derived from the transportation networks and systems that offer businesses access to the customers, products, and employees they need to run successful enterprises. Therefore, improving access invariably improves a place’s utility as a location for business.
Mixed-use urban environments in particular are ripe for change, sporting densities that are tailor-made to a growing slate of electronic mobility options whose adoption are further fueled by inflation, the cost of gas, and the growing concerns about the climate.
The growth in e-mobility during the pandemic is revolutionizing movement in and around our cities, creating both opportunities and conflicts. Our session at IDA will explore how to harness alternative transportation to help downtown business districts succeed.
Like any disruptive technology, however, there are safety, legal, and regulatory challenges that need to be understood and resolved to support continued growth of the sector. In many places, electronic mobility is mired in a tangle of laws that are anything but standard. For example, in some states, e-mobility requires licensure and registration and in other states it does not. These distinctions only serve to further complicate widespread adoption.
Despite these challenges, electronic mobility holds great promise and there are increasing examples of how the private and public sectors are resolving these challenges and supporting the growth and expansion in urban places. This includes everything from e-cargo pilot programs to the creative (and sometimes controversial) expansion of bike networks to creative financing for e-bikes for delivery workers.
We are excited to share that Managing Director Larisa Ortiz will be leading a panel at this year’s International Downtown Association’s Annual Conference (#IDAVAN22) that will discuss the trends in e-mobility and the creative strategies being explored to support adoption in urban places. The session, entitled “Embracing New Mobility Solutions for your Business District,” also includes panelists Lian Farhi, Senior Transportation Planner at Sam Schwartz and Paul Lipson, President of Barretto Bay Strategies. Both have led the planning and execution of innovative e-mobility solutions in their respective markets.
Please join us in September as we explore these issues!
For more on our Place Consulting Solutions, contact Larisa Ortiz, Managing Director, Public Non-Profit. 718-205-5116,